Friday, October 17, 2008

Behind the Praise - Sunday October 26, 2008


"Come Thou Fount"

Robert Robinson, following the tradition of ministers of the time, wrote "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing" as a hymn-poem for the conclusion of his sermon for Whitsunday, 1758. He was 23 years old at the time. It was published the following year in A Collection of Hymns used by the Church of Christ in Angel Alley, Bishopsgate (1759). There has been some speculation that it was written by the Countess of Huntingdon, but it is generally agreed to be the work of Robinson.

Originally "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing" had four stanzas. The fourth stanza was omitted by Martin Madan in Psalms and Hymns, 1860 and has not been used since. The statement in stanza two, "Here I raise my Ebenezer" refers to I Samuel 7:12, "Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen, and called its name Ebenezer, saying, "Thus far the LORD has helped us." Ebenezer is the Hebrew for "Stone of Help." Israel had suffered defeat because of its sin. But the people had repented of their sin, God had helped them and they were victorious. Samuel placed the stone to remind Israel that God had them, their victory was because of Him.
In stanza three, Robinson speaks of being "prone to wonder, prone to leave the God I love". This seems to be a forecast of his later life, when he lapsed into sin, unstableness and involvement with Unitarianism. There is a well-known story of Robinson, riding a stagecoach with a lady who was deeply engrossed in a hymnbook. Seeking to encourage him, she asked him what he thought of the hymn she was humming. Robinson burst into tears and said, "Madam, I am the poor unhappy man who wrote that hymn many years ago, and I would give a thousand worlds, if I had them, to enjoy the feelings I had then."

Click here to watch and sing along with the Gateway church version

If you like more of a traditional arrangement check out this choir arrangement here:

Click here to purchase "Come Thou Fount"
Passion - Our Love Is Loud - Live from the Passion Experience Tour - Come Thou Fount

"O Worship the King"
This great hymn was written by Sir Robert Grant. Who would later become the Governor or Bombay. He wrote a hymn which is considered one of the greatest in the English language. Reading William Kethe's translation of Psalm 104 in a 1561 psalm book prompted Robert to write his own version of the psalm, familiar to millions of church-goers.

O Worship the King all glorious above!
O gratefully sing his power and his love,
Our Shield and Defender, the Ancient of days,
Pavilioned in splendor, and girded with praise

Read more about this hymn writer here:

Click here to purchase an a capella version of "O Worship the King"
A Cappella Hymns, Vol. 2 - A Cappella Hymns, Vol. 2 - O Worship the King

“How can I keep from Singing”

There is an endless song echoes in my soulI hear the music ring and though the storms may comeI am holding on to the rock I clingHow can I keep from singing Your praiseHow can I ever say enoughHow amazing is Your loveHow can I keep from shouting Your nameI know I am loved by the KingAnd it makes my heart want to sing Chris Tomlin joined Ed Cash and Matt Redman to write this song. The song is on the album "See the Morning". This song anchors the theme of hope found on the album. "How Can I Keep From Singing," is a rendition of the 1860 hymn by Robert Lowry. "How Can I Keep From Singing?" is listed in some hymnals by the opening line "My Life Flows On". The original composition has now entered into the public domain. The song is frequently cited incorrectly as a traditional Quaker hymn. Chris reworked the original text and crafted a song that could be sung to God during the difficult times.

Click here to listen to Chris share how he wrote the song:

Click here to worship along with Chris:

Click here to purchase "How Can I keep from Singing"
Chris Tomlin - See the Morning - How Can I Keep from Singing


"One Way"

This song was written by Joel Houston and Jonathan Douglass. Houston is a musician and songwriter, best known as the key worship leader and producer of Sydney based worship band Hillsong United, the worship band of Hillsong Church's youth group, also known as Hillsong United. In 2008 he became the Creative Director at Hillsong Church.

Houston began playing piano at a young age, at the suggestion of his parents. As he was not interested in piano, he soon diverted his efforts to playing guitar instead.

Jonathan Douglass' first experience of what he describes as God's tangible presence was at a Christian youth camp. At 12, he was actually too young to attend the camp but tagged along with his older brother and sister anyway . One night while the band was playing, he felt something he is almost unable to put into words, I just remember lifting my hands, not really knowing what I was doing and singing these words that had a meaning I didn't really understand. I developed a longing for God's presence without knowing much about it.

The most powerful songs come from a personal relationship with God and are filled with meaningful scripture, JD says. Three years ago, JD wrote One Way, a song inspired by a personal search, I questioned what I was doing and why I was doing it. He was still going to church, reading the Bible and praying but he felt like he had lost the reason for it all. I sat down one night after hanging out with God and the verses just came out back to back within a couple of minutes, he says, Things about God, how He's always there, how He never changes and how I'll never live for anyone but Him.

Click here to learn more about Jonathon Douglass:

Click here to worship along with the Hillsong worship team:

Click here to listen online:

Click here to purchase "One Way":
Hillsong United - The I Heart Revolution: With Hearts as One - One Way

"Everlasting God"

Brenton Brown wrote this song after both he and his wife had being diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Brown described their illness in the following excerpt from Christianity today.

Brown: It's called fibromyalgia, a form of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. What defines it are the symptoms, the most obvious ones [being] fatigue. You feel jet-lagged most of the time. There are other symptoms like nausea, muscle pain, muscle aches. There's no known cure. Basically it was just like waking up one day and finding out that I had someone else's body. Very strange. I wasn't thinking as clearly. And over the last three years we've basically had to relearn how to live life with our new bodies. It's been a challenge.
Chronic Fatigue is a little bit like having mono[nucleosis]. You feel very fatigued, very drained. And no matter how much you sleep, you're still going to feel tired. You can never shake off that tired feeling. I just kept going for six months. And then my pastor, the board of our church and the group of doctors that I was seeing all decided, "This is not working. You're not going to be able to force your way through this."
Brenton Brown, born in South Africa, is a Christian songwriter and worship leader. He left South Africa for Oxford, England in his early twenties on a Rhodes Scholarship. While studying politics, philosophy and theology he joined the Vineyard music (UK), serving as worship pastor at the Oxford Vineyard, UK, and eventually as coordinator of the Vineyard (UK) Worship Development Team. His songs, Lord Reign in me, All who are thirsty, Humble King, Hallelujah [Your love is amazing] and Holy were recorded on the popular Vineyard UK projects during this time. He has since left the UK and now lives in Malibu, California with his wife, Jude. Brenton is an artist on the worship label Survivor and in 2006 released his first solo album, Everlasting God with Survivor in the UK and rest of the world, and with Sparrow in the United States and Canada.

Check out Brenton’s ministry here:

Click here to listen to him share about how the song came about

Click here to listen to Lincoln Brewsters' arrangement

Click here to listen to Brenton Brown & Paul Baloche

Click here to purchase "Everlasting God"
Brenton Brown - Everlasting God - Everlasting God

“Here I Am to Worship”

If songs are like children to their writers, then 25 year-old Englishman Tim Hughes carried "Here I Am To Worship" to full term, letting the reverent tune take perfect shape over a nine-month period. Back in 1999 while still in college, he first sat down to craft a musical response to his reading of Philippians 2:5, which says, "Make your own attitude that of Christ Jesus." And from the start, he had the humility part mastered.
"I was playing around with my guitar when the verse just came out," he modestly recalls. "However, I couldn't get a chorus that I was happy with. The original one was embarrassingly bad!"
Thankfully, Tim recorded the verse into his Dictaphone, and months later during a quiet creative time, he patched it together with another strong melody idea and brought "Here I Am To Worship" to fruition.
"I'd been reading about the cross and thinking through Jesus' amazing sacrifice," Tim says of the lyrical theme. "Sometimes when God meets with us we don't quite know how to respond properly. It's often too much for us to take in. Hopefully in a small way the chorus captures that: 'Here I am to worship. Here I am to bow down. Here I am to say that you're my God. You're altogether lovely, worthy, wonderful.'"
Although the song had been completed, the writer was still not convinced of its potential. Leading worship at his Soul Survivor home church one day, Tim sang "Here I Am To Worship" for his fellow members and was duly advised by his pastor Mike Pilavachi to start using it more often. Since then, Hughes - who built his own chops leading Delirious and Matt Redman favorites - has seen the song take on a life of its own.
It must be a God thing.... People have seemed to really connect with it, and we've had some special times in worship using the song," he admits. "I remember one time at the end of a Worship Together conference in San Diego when we'd been performing the song. The band stopped, and then the congregation just kept singing the chorus for about 15 minutes."

Click here to listen to the story behind the song by Tim Hughes.

Click here to worship along with the Hillsong’s church:

Click here to worship along with Michael W. Smith:

Click here to read more about the composer Tim Hughes

Click here to purchase "Here I am to Worship"
Tim Hughes - Here I Am to Worship - Here I Am to Worship

"My Jesus, I love Thee"

Sixteen year old William Featherston of Montreal, Canada wrote this simple but profound hymn in 1862, not long after he was converted to Christ. William wrote no other hymns that we know of and his brief life ended just before his twenty-seventh birthday. Here is a story about the influence of this song:
A Protestant Episcopal Bi­shop of Mi­chi­gan once re­lat­ed the fol­low­ing in­ci­dent to a large au­di­ence in one of the Rev. E. P. Ham­mond’s meet­ings in St. Lou­is. “A young, tal­ent­ed and ten­der-heart­ed ac­tress was pass­ing along the street of a large ci­ty. See­ing a pale, sick girl ly­ing up­on a couch just with­in the half-open door of a beau­ti­ful dwell­ing, she en­tered, with the thought that by her vi­va­ci­ty and plea­sant con­ver­sa­tion she might cheer the young in­va­lid. The sick girl was a de­vot­ed Christ­ian, and her words, her pa­tience, her sub­mis­sion and hea­ven-lit coun­te­nance, so dem­on­strat­ed the spir­it of her re­li­gion that the ac­tress was led to give some ear­nest thought to the claims of Christ­i­an­i­ty, and was tho­rough­ly con­vert­ed, and be­came a true fol­low­er of Christ. She told her fa­ther, the lead­er of the the­a­ter troupe, of her con­ver­sion, and of her de­sire to aban­don the stage, stat­ing that she could not live a con­sis­tent Christ­ian life and fol­low the life of an ac­tress. Her fa­ther was as­ton­ished be­yond mea­sure, and told his daugh­ter that their liv­ing would be lost to them and their bu­si­ness ru­ined, if she per­sist­ed in her re­so­lu­tion. Lov­ing her fa­ther dear­ly, she was shak­en some­what in her pur­pose, and par­tial­ly con­sent­ed to fill the pub­lished en­gage­ment to be met in a few days. She was the star of the troupe, and a gen­er­al fa­vo­rite. Ev­ery prep­a­ra­tion was made for the play in which she was to ap­pear. The ev­en­ing came and the fa­ther re­joiced that he had won back his daugh­ter, and that their liv­ing was not to be lost. The hour ar­rived; a large au­di­ence had as­sem­bled. The cur­tain rose, and the young ac­tress stepped for­ward firm­ly amid the ap­plause of the mul­ti­tude. But an un­wont­ed light beamed from her beau­ti­ful face. Amid the breath­less si­lence of the au­di­ence, she re­peat­ed:

‘My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine;
For Thee all the follies of sin I resign;
My gracious Redeemer, my Saviour art Thou;
If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now.’

This was all. Through Christ she had con­quered and, leav­ing the au­di­ence in tears, she re­tired from the stage, ne­ver to ap­pear up­on it again. Through her in­flu­ence her fa­ther was con­vert­ed, and through their unit­ed evan­gel­is­tic la­bors ma­ny were led to God.”

Worship along with Crystal Lewis by clicking here:

Click here to purchase "My Jesus I Love Thee"
Avalon - Avalon - My Jesus, I Love Thee


"We Delight"

This worship song was written by Joshua Moore, keyboard player for the group Caedman's call.The band's unusual name was inspired by Cædmon, an Anglo-Saxon cowherd who lived during the 7th century. Legend has it that Caedmon was afraid to sing in public due to a lack of musical talent, and shied away from occasions where he had to sing. After leaving a feast one night because he was too embarrassed to sing, he lay down in the pasture with the cattle to sleep. An angel appeared to him in a dream, calling him to sing. After refusing, he eventually decided to sing and when he did, he sang beautiful verses that had never been heard before, based on the story of creation and using the style of pre-Christian, Anglo-Saxon poetry. Many songwriters tried in vain to write songs as good as or better than Caedmon's, but could not because Caedmon's songs came from God. Founding band members Cliff, Danielle, and Aaron decided on the name "Caedmon's Call" after all three heard this story during the same week and thought it was fitting.

Click here to listen online:

Click here to worship along:

Click here to purchase "We Delight"
Caedmon's Call - In the Company of Angels - A Call to Worship - We Delight

"Always Forever"

In a world where swagger usually triumphs over substance, it’s refreshing when a young singer/songwriter arrives on the scene with something to say. With the multi-faceted sound of a much older soul and shimmering melodies that match the intensity of his heartfelt lyrics, 21-year-old Phil Wickham’s self-titled debut can’t help but stand out in a crowd of cookie-cutter pop and angst-fueled rock. And it’s his personal journey of faith expressed in the songs that really makes the difference.Even though singer/songwriter Phil Wickham grew up in a devout Christian home, there came a point early in his life when he knew his faith needed to become his own. He no longer wanted to coast on his parents’ coattails or go to church simply because that’s what he was supposed to do. He wanted something real, that personal friendship with Jesus. And that crucial realization, combined with moving to a new city while he was in junior high, paved the way for Phil to pick up a guitar and start writing songs about his growing faith.While difficult at times, the transition from Orange County to San Diego proved to be fruitful. “It was a good time of reflecting, writing songs and playing guitar.” And once he picked up that guitar, it wasn’t long before his junior high youth pastor took notice and asked him if he wanted to lead worship.A little reluctant at first, Phil accepted his pastor’s invitation. “When I started leading worship when I was 12, the Lord just really started blessing it with the junior high group,” Phil says. “Kids were singing, and I found that I really loved doing it.” Phil’s father, a worship leader and veteran of Jesus Movement bands including The Way and Parable, also encouraged his son’s emerging talent by challenging him to learn to play hundreds of popular praise songs and to write his own in the meantime.And before long, people who’d heard Phil play his songs asked him when he planned to release a CD. “I was like ‘Are you kidding me? No way,’ Phil recalls. “Then the Lord just brought different people in my life to show me what it means to minister, what it means to lead worship—just the transparency of self and coming forward in faith and knowing that the Lord is there. There were awesome lessons that I was going to use the rest of my life. And when I finally had in the neighborhood of 20 songs, my Dad was like ‘You should record a CD.’”

Click here to learn more about

Click here to worship along with Phil:

Click here to worship along with Phil:

Click here to purchase "Always Forever"
Phil Wickham - Phil Wickham - Always Forever

"Oh the Glory of it All"

This worship song by David Crowder is a play on the word glory. David said even as believers we struggle with defining glory.

At the start he was there, he was there In the end,he’ll be there, he’ll be there And After all our hands have wrought He forgives Oh the Glory of it all is:he came here For the rescue of us allthat we may live for the glory of it all for the glory of it all

Click here to listen to David share about how he wrote the song:

Click here to worship along with David at a Passion event:

Click here to purchase "Oh the Glory of it All"
David Crowder Band - Passion: Live from Passion 07, Pt. 2 - Oh the Glory of It All

"Nothing but the Blood - Matt Redman"

This song was written by Matt Redman. "Songwriting doesn't feel like work to me," Matt says. "It feels like the most natural way of responding to God. It's almost like it's a part of my devotions. Every song involves a Bible study and a time of pouring out my heart to God. It's like a little spiritual barometer for me because if I'm not receiving any fresh revelation from God in terms of having a healthy relationship with him, then I find that I don't write songs."
As today's modern worship movement has continued to grow by leaps and bounds, Matt Redman's name is easily recognized as one of the true musical leaders who has forged the path for all of those coming along behind him. Even in his young career, he continues to influence the sounds and songs of a new generation of worshippers.
"I found myself becoming more and more busy," Matt explains. "I felt as a lead worshipper, I was experiencing more output than input. There's such a Biblical thing about waiting for God to reveal, that whole thing of being still and knowing He is God."

Your blood speaks a better word Than all the empty claims I’ve heard upon this earth Speaks righteousness for me And stands in my defense Jesus it’s Your blood

What can wash away our sins?What can make us whole again? Nothing but the bloodNothing but the blood of Jesus What can wash us pure as snow? Welcomed as the friends of God Nothing but Your bloodNothing but Your blood King Jesus Your cross testifies in grace Tells of the Father’s heart to make a way for us Now boldly we approach not by earthly confidence it’s only Your blood

Click here to worship along with Matt Redman:

Click here to purchase Matt Redmans' arrangement of "Nothing but the Blood"
Matt Redman - Facedown - Nothing but the Blood

"Nothing but the Blood - Hymn"

Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, would write these words, "Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God." (Romans 3:25) The emphasis of this verse is on the shed blood that satisfies or propitiates our sin debt. Another way of saying the same thing is, "What can wash away our sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus." More than likely it was this verse or one like it, dealing with the subject of blood, which caused Pastor Robert Lowry to write a hymn.
Born in Philadelphia, on March 12, 1826, young Robert accepted Christ as his personal Savior at the age of 17 and later graduated from Bucknell University with high scholastic honors. In the 73 years of his life here on earth, he pastored churches in Philadelphia, New Jersey, New York City and Brooklyn. Along with his preaching, Dr. Lowry also had the gift of music in the writing of hymns. When asked about his method for writing songs, he would answer by saying:
I have no set method. Sometimes, the music comes and the words follow…. I watch my moods, and when anything strikes me, whether words or music, no matter where I am, at home or on the street, I jot it down…. My brain is sort of a spinning machine, for there is music running through it all the time. The tunes of nearly all the hymns I have written have been completed on paper, before I tried them on the organ. Frequently, the words of the hymn and the music have been written at the same time.
He supplied the music for such familiar hymns as We’re Marching to Zion, Savior, Thy Dying Love, Where Is my Wandering Boy Tonight, I Need Thee Every Hour and Fanny Crosby’s song, All the Way my Savior Leads Me. The words and music would come together in 1864 to produce Shall We Gather at the River. Then, in the Easter season of 1874, Christ Arose would flow from his pen and his heart. Finally, in 1876, Pastor Lowry would give us the answer to our sin debt in his song, Nothing but the Blood.
Down through the ages, man has tried to work off his sin debt in good works and religion—only to fail. The Bible says, "Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness." (Hebrews 9:22) Robert Lowry understood this very well:
Oh! Precious is the flow That makes me white as snow No other fount I know, Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Click here to sing along with the song:

Click here for an organ arrangement:

Click here to purchase the Hymn "Nothing but the Blood"
Crabb Family - Blur the Lines - Nothing But the Blood

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