Saturday, February 28, 2009

Behind the Praise - Sunday March 8, 2009

Blended 9:30am

"You are My All in All"

This powerful worship song was written by Dennis Jernigan. Dennis Jernigan is a singer-songwriter of contemporary Christian music. He is native to Oklahoma, and headquarters a music-based ministry from there. Self-avowedly ex-gay, Jernigan now lives in Muskogee, Oklahoma with his wife and their nine children. Jernigan has been married to his wife for more than twenty five years.
A primary source of inspiration for Jernigan's message and music is an experience he describes as his "deliverance from homosexuality". Jernigan states that this began during a 2nd Chapter of Acts concert in Norman Oklahoma.Jernigan believes his prior identification as homosexual was related to an erroneous childhood perception that he had been rejected by his father.
As a boy I needed a role model to show me the way to manhood. But because I felt rejected by the main man in my life I, in turn, rejected him and began to yearn for intimacy with a man in perverse ways. Because of this wrong thinking I came to believe I was homosexual. It must have begun early in my life because I remember having those feelings for the same gender at a very early age.
It was then [during a critical moment at the 2nd Chapter of Acts concert] that I lost the need to be accepted or loved by others because I realized Jesus would love me and accept me no matter what, even when I was rejected by others! It was also at this same time that those sexually perverse thoughts and desires were changed...and He began to replace them with holy and pure thoughts about what sexual love was all about.
Following the experience at the concert, Jernigan developed a ministry based on his personal experience, which he shares at churches and other locations around the world.
Dennis has written many of the worship songs we sing including "Who can Satisfy", "We will worship the Lamb of Glory", "I belong to Jesus", "When the night is Falling" and "You are my all in all". Here are some links that will share more about Dennis' ministry.

Click here to listen to Dennis share about the song;

Click here for an article about Dennis

Click here for Dennis' website

Click here to hear Dennis ministering in Brazil * must see

Click here to hear Dennis’ share about his daughters’ traffic accident and her amazing story:

“Who Can Satisfy”

Dennis Jernigan is a singer-songwriter of contemporary Christian music. He is native to Oklahoma, and headquarters a music-based ministry from there. Formerly a homosexual, Jernigan now lives in Muskogee, Oklahoma with his wife of nearly 24 years and their nine children.
A primary source of inspiration for Jernigan's message and music is an experience he describes as his "deliverance from homosexuality", which he states to have begun during a 2nd Chapter of Acts concert in 1981 at Oklahoma Baptist University. Jernigan has stated that he believes his prior identification as homosexual was related to a childhood perception that he had been rejected by his father. He claims that both perceptions were erroneous:
As a boy I needed a role model to show me the way to manhood. But because I felt rejected by the main man in my life I, in turn, rejected him and began to yearn for intimacy with a man in perverse ways. Because of this wrong thinking I came to believe I was homosexual. It must have begun early in my life because I remember having those feelings for the same gender at a very early age.
It was then [during a critical moment at the 2nd Chapter of Acts concert] that I lost the need to be accepted or loved by others because I realized Jesus would love me and accept me no matter what, even when I was rejected by others! It was also at this same time that those sexually perverse thoughts and desires were changed...and He began to replace them with holy and pure thoughts about what sexual love was all about.
You may know the music of Dennis Jernigan rather than the mention of his name. Songs like: "You Are My All in All", "Great is the Lord Almighty", and "Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus", as well as hundreds of others are sung literally all over the world. Dennis believes worship is all about relationship rather than performance...and he believes he is called to help people get honest with themselves and with God simply because he has found in his own life that honesty and truth have set him free. He has an incredible testimony that he shares very openly with his audiences.

To read more about Dennis visit his website at

Dennis and his wife Melinda, along with eight of their nine children make their home in Muskogee, Oklahoma where they serve Christ through the local body of believers known as New Community Church.

Click here to listen to the song “Who Can Satisfy” by the Lee University Singers:

Click here to hear the Hebraic Christian worship team:

Click here to listen to Dennis share about his favorite scripture:

“All Hail the Power of Jesus Name”

Some years ago, missionary E. P. Scott went to India. He set out to visit a remote mountain tribe which had never heard the name of Christ. As he neared their land, he was suddenly surrounded by a savage band of warriors, all pointing their spears straight at his heart. Expecting a quick death, the missionary pulled out his violin and began playing and singing in their native language the hymn "All hail the power of Jesus' name." He reached the stanza that reads:
Let every tribe and every tongueOn this terrestrial ball To him all majesty ascribe And crown him Lord of all...
The natives lowered their weapons and some were in tears. E. P. Scott spent the rest of his life ministering to these primitive people.
The hymn which so effectively moved this Indian tribe is often referred to as the "National Anthem of Christendom" and has been translated into almost every language where there are Christians. The author of the hymn, Edward Perronet was the descendent of a French Huguenot family which fled first to Switzerland and then to England to escape religious persecution. Perronet was a pastor who worked closely with John and Charles Wesley for many years in England's eighteenth- century revival.
At that time, Methodists were savagely persecuted. According to John Wesley's diary, Edward did not escape his share of abuse either. "Edward Perronet was thrown down and rolled in mud and mire" at Bolton, he wrote.
Edward was uneasy about preaching in front of John Wesley. Wesley urged him to do so several times. Finally, Wesley forced the issue. He announced that Brother Perronet would speak the following week. A week later, witty Edward mounted the pulpit and declared he would deliver the greatest sermon ever preached. He then read Christ's "Sermon on the Mount" and sat down!
Click here to hear an acapella arrangement by Point of Grace:

Click here to hear an organ arrangement of the song:

Click here to sing along with Avalon:


"You are Good"

Nearly Disposed - Israels' Testimony
My mother became pregnant at the age of 17 in Waterloo, Iowa. You can imagine how this is shaping up. She was given the choice of a back-alley abortion or being disowned by her family. Thank God she chose the latter. Ultimately, she was disowned, abandoned by my biological father, and ended up in San Diego, California. Picture this. It was 1971 and my mother was 8 months pregnant, all alone, thousands of miles from home, and forced to enter reality unprepared. Pretty bleak. One day while walking down the street, a lady pulled up in her Volkswagen Bug, got out, and respectfully yet boldly, began to share the Gospel with her. Words of life and hope began to overtake the words of rejection and abandonment she had grown accustomed to. There on a street corner, she ended up on her knees and cried out to God-committing her life to Jesus Christ. The lady gave her a bible and that's how I got my name. My mother started reading at page one and well, you know-you have a bible, my name's on every page!
I'm often asked by skeptics or the stoic, why I'm as passionate about worshiping God as I am. The answer is simple for me. In this age of disposable relationships, I could have easily become a statistic and at best, a distant memory of a youthful mistake. Instead, a Sovereign God rescued my mother and me and gave us hope, a future, and a testimony of the providence of God. The very least I can do is enter into His gates with fresh thanksgiving, His courts with a passionate praise, and eventually bow before His throne in intimate worship. As far as leading worship goes (which is my passion and calling), I now realize that there have been demands put on me from every part of my experience since day one - culturally, emotionally, musically, and more. So things tend to sound cross-cultural, cross- denominational, and cross-generational. I like to call it, "The Sound of New Breed Worship." I tend to lead from an internal platform founded in Psalm 124:2, "If it had not been for the Lord who was on my side"....where in the world would I be? In an age of disposable relationships, maybe we should be asking ourselves that question a lot more often. I am confident that we would worship with far more conviction, intensity, and overwhelmed gratitude if we did. It is my delight to encourage you today.

Israel leads a worship band called "New Breed" here's their website, you can listen to portions of the songs they sing including "You are Good"

Click here to learn more about Israel

Click here to worship along with Israel:

Click here to see Israel singing "You are Good" in concert:

"God of Wonders"

This song by Steve Hindalong has become a classic. Here is a description of how the song came about: When Marc played the chord progression and melody, it felt really big. I kind of got a chill-I got goose bumps on my arms. I just thought, 'This song needs to be big, with really vast language.' So 'God of wonders beyond our galaxy' was as big as I could think." Having attended an Episcopal church for the last few years, Hindalong has been introduced to a new inspiration for his songwriting. "The liturgy, the old words, is kind of new to me. I flipped through The Book of Common Prayer, and I remember 'Lord of all creation, water, earth and sky.' That became the first line of the song." Lord of all creation Of water, earth and sky The heavens are your tabernacle Glory to the Lord on high God of wonders beyond our galaxy You are holy, holy The universe declares Your majesty You are holy, holy Lord of heaven and earth Lord of heaven and earth But it isn't the vastness of the song that seems to really impact people, relates Hindalong. "People have sent me emails about the song and referred to the second verse. I think the real power of the song is there, when all of the sudden it gets intimate. It says 'When I stumble in the darkness, I will call Your name by night.' This God that is the God of not only our earth, but of all the worlds, that is so big-but when I'm afraid, when I'm alone, when I sin, when I'm in trouble, He comes close enough that I can call His name. It's the truth that's powerful, not the song. It is that particular truth that is so moving."

Click here to worship along with Third Day & Caedmans' call

Click here for another version:

Click here for an arrangement of the song:

"Our God Reigns"

So much holy, so divineYours and so much mineBy the morning, light is Thine
Perfect by designMighty to man, binding to earthSending His Son to echo His worth
Breaker of sin, winner of soulsEvery creature will know Our God reigns over the heavens
Over the earth, Our God reignsPraise His name, All still standing
All that was, all that remainsOur God reigns Deepest Ocean opened wide
So shall love divideIn devotion to His brideStanding by her side
Mighty to man, binding to earth He's sending His Son to echo His worth
Breaker of sin, winner of soulsEvery creature will know
Our God reigns over the heavensOver the earth, Our God reigns Praise His name,
All still standingAll that was, all that remainsOur God reigns So much Holy,
So divineYours and so much mine

This song was written by Brandon Heath Knell. Click here to read more about Brandon:

Click here to worship along with Brandon:

“Consuming Fire”

Tim Hughes (born July 23, 1978) is a Christian worship leader and songwriter with Survivor Records, who is currently Director of Worship at Holy Trinity Brompton, an Anglican church in central London and heads up Worship Central, a new worship training resource. The son of an Anglican vicar, he grew up in Birmingham, later moving to High Wycombe as a teenager as his father was appointed vicar of St Andrew's Church, Hatters Lane. In 1997, aged only 19, Hughes was asked by Mike Pilavachi to lead worship at the Soul Survivor festivals. He also studied History at Sheffield University, graduating in 2000.Prior to his current post, Hughes worked at Soul Survivor Watford Church, where he was Worship Pastor (the current Worship Pastor is Ben Cantelon). He moved to Holy Trinity Brompton in 2005 and, with Associate Director of Worship Al Gordon, has set up the Worship Central project. He is married to Rachel and in October they had Phoebe whom Mike Pilavachi is the godfather of.

Click here to visit Tim Hughes myspace:

Click here to worship along with Tim Hughes:

THIRD 6:00pm

"Here is our King"

This worship song was written by David Crowder in response the Tsunami on December 24, 2004. David and his wife were watching the images of devastation preparing to attend the Passion meeting in Nashville later that month. David was having trouble processing the level of devestation. He remembered telling his wife that 9-11 made more sense, as we are used to humanity doing something to each other. Historically we've done unkind things to each to each other and all we have to do is turn on the news. David knew how to process that devestation, but to be able to see such devestation unfold before his eyes was a new process for him. He struggeld with how to look at that and still say "God is Good". This song was David's response to God in the face of such a tragedy.From wherever spring arrives to heal the ground From wherever searching comes the look itself A trace of what we’re looking for So be quiet now and wait The ocean is growing the tide is coming in Here it is Here is our king, here is our love here is our God who’s come to bring us back to him He is the one, he is Jesus, Jesus

Click here to worship along with David Crowder:

Click here to listen to David share about how the song came about:

"Sing to the King"

This song was written by Billy James Foote. The song is based upon the hymn by Charles S. Horne. Here are the original words penned in 1910. Notice the similarity between the Horne's words and Billy's adaptation of the song.

Sing we the King Who is coming to reign,
Glory to Jesus, the Lamb that was slain.
Life and salvation His empire shall bring,
Joy to the nations when Jesus is King.

Come let us sing, praise to our King,
Jesus our King, Jesus our King,
This is our song, who to Jesus belong:
Glory to Jesus, to Jesus our King.

In the summer of 2001, I was sitting in my office, in Evergreen, CO, reading through a Baptist Hymnal when I came across an old hymn called Sing We the King, written by Charles Silvester Horne. As I read the first verse I was amazed by the lyrics. There was not a wasted word. I had been working on a melody for several weeks, but did not have any lyrics. Horne’s first verse was a perfect match to the melody I had written. It did not take long to come up with a chorus. The second verse takes two phrases from Horne's last verse including, "satan is vanquished and Jesus is King". Of course, I have documented this on both of my worship projects and try to make sure everyone who records Sing to the King does the same.
My prayer is that this song will remind the church that the King really is coming back. It seems as though we have left this fact out of worship songs for too long. It is encouraging to be reminded that the enemy does not win (Rev. 20:10). We have a hope in the knowledge that the King is going to one day split the sky and the dead in Christ will rise, and believers, who are alive, will be caught up in the clouds to meet Him. I also pray this song will give the church a sense of urgency to win the lost; as Fanny Crosby said, to "rescue the perishing, care for the dying." We must not be idle, but live as those who know the King and know He is coming to reign.

Learn more about Billy's ministry on his myspace website & ministry website:

Learn more about Billy's ministry here:

Click here to worship along on the passion recording:

“Jesus, Lover of My Soul”

This song was written by Paul Oakley. If you’ve ever heard Paul’s songs or been in a context where Paul has lead worship, then you won’t have failed to notice the consuming passion to know God that characterizes his songwriting. This song alone stands out as one of Paul’s fine contributions to the kingdom. Reminding us that everything should center around the Lord.
His international profile continues to grow. This last year has seen Paul travel to Canada, South Africa, Holland, Germany, Scotland and Northern Ireland and more recently, invitations have opened up for Paul to travel to Brazil, the States, Portugal, Germany and Holland again this year.
Although he travels a lot, Paul and his family are very committed to Church of Christ The King, their home church in Brighton (UK), where he regularly leads the 1,000 strong congregation in worship alongside Dave Fellingham, Stuart Townend, Matt Redman, Phatfish and Kate Simmonds.

Click here to visit Paul’s myspace:

Click here to worship along:

Click here for another arrangement:

“Who Can Satisfy”

Dennis Jernigan is a singer-songwriter of contemporary Christian music. He is native to Oklahoma, and headquarters a music-based ministry from there. Formerly a homosexual, Jernigan now lives in Muskogee, Oklahoma with his wife of nearly 24 years and their nine children.
A primary source of inspiration for Jernigan's message and music is an experience he describes as his "deliverance from homosexuality", which he states to have begun during a 2nd Chapter of Acts concert in 1981 at Oklahoma Baptist University. Jernigan has stated that he believes his prior identification as homosexual was related to a childhood perception that he had been rejected by his father. He claims that both perceptions were erroneous:
As a boy I needed a role model to show me the way to manhood. But because I felt rejected by the main man in my life I, in turn, rejected him and began to yearn for intimacy with a man in perverse ways. Because of this wrong thinking I came to believe I was homosexual. It must have begun early in my life because I remember having those feelings for the same gender at a very early age.
It was then [during a critical moment at the 2nd Chapter of Acts concert] that I lost the need to be accepted or loved by others because I realized Jesus would love me and accept me no matter what, even when I was rejected by others! It was also at this same time that those sexually perverse thoughts and desires were changed...and He began to replace them with holy and pure thoughts about what sexual love was all about.
You may know the music of Dennis Jernigan rather than the mention of his name. Songs like: "You Are My All in All", "Great is the Lord Almighty", and "Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus", as well as hundreds of others are sung literally all over the world. Dennis believes worship is all about relationship rather than performance...and he believes he is called to help people get honest with themselves and with God simply because he has found in his own life that honesty and truth have set him free. He has an incredible testimony that he shares very openly with his audiences.

To read more about Dennis visit his website at

Dennis and his wife Melinda, along with eight of their nine children make their home in Muskogee, Oklahoma where they serve Christ through the local body of believers known as New Community Church.

Click here to listen to the song “Who Can Satisfy” by the Lee University Singers:

Click here to hear the Hebraic Christian worship team:

Click here to listen to Dennis share about his favorite scripture:

"O Lord Your Beautiful"

This worship song was written by Keith Green. Keith Gordon Green (October 21, 1953 – July28, 1982) was an American gospel singer, songwriter, musician, and Contemporary Christian Music artist originally from Sheepshead Bay, New York. Green is best known for his strong devotion to evangelical Christianity and his unwavering efforts to stir others to the same. Notable songs written by Green and/or his wife, Melody Green, include "Your Love Broke Through," "You Put This Love In My Heart," and "Asleep In The Light," as well as the popular modern hymns "O Lord, You're Beautiful" and "There Is A Redeemer."

Click here to listen to Keith Green share how he wrote the song:

Click here to learn more about Keith Green:

Click here to see the many Kieth Green videos on youtube:

Click here to worship along with Keith Green:

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